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TABLE 3-1b. A Comparison of Average and Median QS Holdings Between Initial Issuance and Year-end 1996 2 Initial 1996 Net Change Percent Initial 1996 Net Change Percent Median Year-end in Median Change Average Year-end in Avg. Change Area QS Held Median QS QS Units Median QS QS Held Avg. QS QS Units Mean QS ----- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- --------- ----------- -------- 2C | 10,093 12,081 1,988 19.7 | 24,782 30,742 5,960 24.0 3A | 14,993 16,954 1,961 13.1 | 60,294 72,535 12,241 20.3 3B | 15,138 19,127 3,989 26.4 | 51,344 64,230 12,886 25.1 4A | 8,714 11,746 3,032 34.8 | 27,427 33,307 5,880 21.4 4B | 31,563 32,732 1,169 3.7 | 61,483 65,825 4,342 7.1 4C | 29,875 31,483 1,608 5.4 | 49,615 49,615 0 0.0 4D | 44,677 45,760 1,083 2.4 | 70,448 70,448 0 0.0 4E | 361 361 0 0.0 | 1,346 1,346 0 0.0