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       Table IV.D-p5. Age distribution of permit holders of sablefish operations that DID NOT
                      receive an initial allocation of sablefish QS, by management area.
                      Note that age information is missing for some permit holders.

       FISHERY: Sablefish

                                         Age                                       Cumltv.
         Area            Year          Category       Count         Percent        Percent
        --------        --------       --------      --------       --------       --------
        Southeast        1991           20-29            6            4.5              4.5
                                        30-39           28           20.9             25.4
                                        40-49           64           47.8             73.2
                                        50-59           30           22.4             95.6
                                        60-69            6            4.5            100.0

                         1992           20-29            5            2.9              2.9
                                        30-39           48           28.2             31.1
                                        40-49           75           44.1             75.2
                                        50-59           28           16.5             91.7
                                        60-69           10            5.9             97.6
                                        >= 70            4            2.4            100.0

                         1993           20-29            6            5.0              5.0
                                        30-39           32           26.7             31.7
                                        40-49           52           43.3             75.0
                                        50-59           23           19.2             94.2
                                        60-69            4            3.3             97.5
                                        >= 70            3            2.5            100.0

                         1994           20-29           13            6.9              6.9
                                        30-39           55           29.3             36.2
                                        40-49           75           39.9             76.1
                                        50-59           35           18.6             94.7
                                        60-69            7            3.7             98.4
                                        >= 70            3            1.6            100.0

        West Yakutat     1991           20-29            9           10.5             10.5
                                        30-39           26           30.2             40.7
                                        40-49           29           33.7             74.4
                                        50-59           16           18.6             93.0
                                        60-69            4            4.7             97.7
                                        >= 70            2            2.3            100.0

                         1992           20-29            8            6.3              6.3
                                        30-39           41           32.5             38.8
                                        40-49           50           39.7             78.5
                                        50-59           18           14.3             92.8
                                        60-69            7            5.6             98.4
                                        >= 70            2            1.6            100.0

                         1993           20-29           14           13.9             13.9
                                        30-39           42           41.6             55.5
                                        40-49           25           24.8             80.3
                                        50-59           11           10.9             91.2
       Table IV.D-p5. Age distribution of permit holders of sablefish operations that DID NOT
                      receive an initial allocation of sablefish QS, by management area.
                      Note that age information is missing for some permit holders.

       FISHERY: Sablefish

                                         Age                                       Cumltv.
         Area            Year          Category       Count         Percent        Percent
        --------        --------       --------      --------       --------       --------
        West Yakutat     1993           60-69            5            5.0             96.2
                                        >= 70            4            4.0            100.0

                         1994           20-29           19           14.5             14.5
                                        30-39           48           36.6             51.1
                                        40-49           36           27.5             78.6
                                        50-59           18           13.7             92.3
                                        60-69            5            3.8             96.1
                                        >= 70            5            3.8            100.0

        Central Gulf     1991           20-29           16            9.9              9.9
                                        30-39           55           34.0             43.9
                                        40-49           59           36.4             80.3
                                        50-59           21           13.0             93.3
                                        60-69           10            6.2             99.5
                                        >= 70            1            0.6            100.0

                         1992           20-29           44           14.8             14.8
                                        30-39          100           33.6             48.4
                                        40-49           92           30.9             79.3
                                        50-59           47           15.8             95.1
                                        60-69           10            3.4             98.5
                                        >= 70            5            1.7            100.0

                         1993           20-29           41           16.1             16.1
                                        30-39           86           33.7             49.8
                                        40-49           70           27.5             77.3
                                        50-59           34           13.3             90.6
                                        60-69           12            4.7             95.3
                                        >= 70           12            4.7            100.0

                         1994           <= 19            2            0.6              0.6
                                        20-29           52           15.3             15.9
                                        30-39          104           30.6             46.5
                                        40-49          107           31.5             78.0
                                        50-59           42           12.4             90.4
                                        60-69           19            5.6             96.0
                                        >= 70           14            4.1            100.0

        Western Gulf     1991           20-29            5            9.3              9.3
                                        30-39           20           37.0             46.3
                                        40-49           20           37.0             83.3
                                        50-59            7           13.0             96.3
                                        60-69            1            1.9             98.2
                                        >= 70            1            1.9            100.0

                         1992           20-29            7           11.5             11.5
       Table IV.D-p5.  Age distribution of permit holders of sablefish operations that DID NOT
                       receive an initial allocation of sablefish QS, by management area.
                       Note that age information is missing for some permit holders.

       FISHERY: Sablefish

                                         Age                                       Cumltv.
         Area            Year          Category       Count         Percent        Percent
        --------        --------       --------      --------       --------       --------
        Western Gulf     1992           30-39           23           37.7             49.2
                                        40-49           18           29.5             78.7
                                        50-59            7           11.5             90.2
                                        60-69            1            1.6             91.8
                                        >= 70            5            8.2            100.0

                         1993           30-39            4           23.5             23.5
                                        40-49            1            5.9             29.4
                                        50-59            1            5.9             35.3
                                        60-69            2           11.8             47.1
                                        >= 70            9           52.9            100.0

                         1994           30-39            1            6.7              6.7
                                        40-49            4           26.7             33.4
                                        50-59            2           13.3             46.7
                                        60-69            2           13.3             60.0
                                        >= 70            6           40.0            100.0

        Aleutian Is.     1991           <= 19            1            4.8              4.8
                                        30-39            8           38.1             42.9
                                        40-49            6           28.6             71.5
                                        50-59            4           19.0             90.5
                                        60-69            1            4.8             95.3
                                        >= 70            1            4.8            100.0

                         1992           30-39            3           13.6             13.6
                                        40-49           11           50.0             63.6
                                        50-59            2            9.1             72.7
                                        >= 70            6           27.3            100.0

                         1993           30-39            8           33.3             33.3
                                        40-49            8           33.3             66.6
                                        50-59            1            4.2             70.8
                                        60-69            1            4.2             75.0
                                        >= 70            6           25.0            100.0

                         1994           20-29            1            3.1              3.1
                                        30-39            7           21.9             25.0
                                        40-49           13           40.6             65.6
                                        50-59            4           12.5             78.1
                                        >= 70            7           21.9            100.0

        Bering Sea       1991           <= 19            1            1.8              1.8
                                        20-29            2            3.5              5.3
       Table IV.D-p5.  Age distribution of permit holders of sablefish operations that DID NOT
                       receive an initial allocation of sablefish QS, by management area.
                       Note that age information is missing for some permit holders.

       FISHERY: Sablefish

                                         Age                                       Cumltv.
         Area            Year          Category       Count         Percent        Percent
        --------        --------       --------      --------       --------       --------
        Bering Sea       1991           30-39           15           26.3             31.6
                                        40-49           19           33.3             64.9
                                        50-59            8           14.0             78.9
                                        60-69            6           10.5             89.4
                                        >= 70            6           10.5            100.0

                         1992           20-29            6           10.0             10.0
                                        30-39           17           28.3             38.3
                                        40-49           20           33.3             71.6
                                        50-59           11           18.3             89.9
                                        >= 70            6           10.0            100.0

                         1993           20-29            2            4.1              4.1
                                        30-39           13           26.5             30.6
                                        40-49           13           26.5             57.1
                                        50-59            7           14.3             71.4
                                        60-69            2            4.1             75.5
                                        >= 70           12           24.5            100.0

                         1994           30-39            5           13.2             13.2
                                        40-49           17           44.7             57.9
                                        50-59            4           10.5             68.4
                                        60-69            2            5.3             73.7
                                        >= 70           10           26.3            100.0