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Table IV.C-v2b. Sablefish fishing operations that DID NOT receive an initial allocation of
sablefish QS: Estimated number of vessel owners, and 1991-1994 sablefish
harvest over all management areas, by resident type.
FISHERY: Sablefish
Pct. of
Resident Vessel Total Average Res Class
Type Year Owners Catch Catch Catch
---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
AK Rural 1991 88 853,808 9,702 10.0
1992 114 1,400,949 12,289 10.7
1993 92 1,766,879 19,205 11.3
1994 105 1,785,916 17,009 12.3
All Years 203 5,807,552 28,609 11.2
AK Urban 1991 200 3,626,123 18,131 42.3
1992 282 5,484,216 19,448 42.1
1993 216 6,028,659 27,910 38.6
1994 324 6,603,855 20,382 45.5
All Years 546 21,742,853 39,822 42.0
Non-resident 1991 121 4,085,741 33,766 47.7
1992 161 6,155,512 38,233 47.2
1993 118 7,808,451 66,173 50.0
1994 158 6,130,180 38,799 42.2
All Years 309 24,179,885 78,252 46.7