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        Table III.C-v3b.
        Vessel owners of halibut fishing operations that DID NOT receive initial allocations
        of halibut QS.  Number of years fished and year combinations, over all management areas.

        FISHERY: Halibut

        Years   Total    Year
        Fished  Owners   Combinations                               94    93    92    91

            4    198     91-92-93-94-                               198   198   198   198
            3    286     91-92-93-                                    0    84    84    84
                         91-92-94-                                   48     0    48    48
                         91-93-94-                                   35    35     0    35
                         92-93-94-                                  119   119   119     0
            2    497     91-92-                                       0     0   192   192
                         91-93-                                       0    30     0    30
                         91-94-                                      29     0     0    29
                         92-93-                                       0    83    83     0
                         92-94-                                      35     0    35     0
                         93-94-                                     128   128     0     0
            1   1180     91-                                          0     0     0   475
                         92-                                          0     0   251     0
                         93-                                          0   140     0     0
                         94-                                        314     0     0     0
        TOTAL                                  YEAR TOTALS          906   817  1010  1091
        Vessel Owners =  2161