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Table III.C-v1a. Fishing operations that DID NOT receive initial halibut QS allocations:
Estimated number of vessel owners, and 1991-1994 halibut harvest by
management area.
FISHERY: Halibut
Pct. of
Vessel Total Average Fishery
Area Year Owners Catch Catch Catch
---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
2C 1991 353 653,084 1,850 7.9
1992 406 1,071,747 2,640 11.5
1993 351 1,410,705 4,019 13.6
1994 326 1,214,942 3,727 13.0
All Years 782 4,350,478 5,563 11.7
3A 1991 470 2,497,692 5,314 11.9
1992 405 3,213,196 7,934 13.0
1993 283 2,729,797 9,646 13.6
1994 355 3,300,518 9,297 15.2
All Years 911 11,741,203 12,888 13.4
3B 1991 186 2,547,423 13,696 22.6
1992 145 1,987,446 13,707 23.7
1993 109 1,797,657 16,492 25.0
1994 89 831,124 9,338 23.3
All Years 321 7,163,650 22,317 23.6
4A 1991 92 854,100 9,284 38.2
1992 67 775,581 11,576 33.4
1993 61 793,668 13,011 33.5
1994 70 693,307 9,904 40.6
All Years 198 3,116,656 15,741 36.1
4B 1991 39 517,031 13,257 34.4
1992 28 631,156 22,541 29.4
1993 20 498,107 24,905 27.9
1994 25 665,782 26,631 35.0
All Years 82 2,312,076 28,196 31.5
4C 1991 24 183,130 7,630 27.0
1992 28 317,321 11,333 42.2
1993 22 323,235 14,693 38.9
1994 27 305,528 11,316 43.4
All Years 71 1,129,214 15,904 38.1
4D 1991 24 586,806 24,450 40.8
1992 12 289,936 24,161 45.2
Table III.C-v1a. Fishing operations that DID NOT receive initial halibut QS allocations:
Estimated number of vessel owners, and 1991-1994 halibut harvest by
management area.
FISHERY: Halibut
Pct. of
Vessel Total Average Fishery
Area Year Owners Catch Catch Catch
---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
4D 1993 8 243,234 30,404 30.7
1994 26 345,932 13,305 48.7
All Years 50 1,465,908 29,318 40.9
4E 1991 34 85,541 2,516 82.1
1992 20 32,015 1,601 47.9
1993 24 40,089 1,670 62.5
1994 46 72,597 1,578 60.5
All Years 94 230,242 2,449 64.8