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Table 5.3-3. Annual prices for QS leases by area, vessel class, and block status IPHC Ave Ave Tot num IFQ Tot num QS mngt Vess Block price price of IFQs per of QS per Num of area cat status | $/IFQ $/QS | trans trans | trans trans | trans 2C Freezer Blocked | 1.04 0.16 | 23,905 5,976 | 158,975 39,744 | 4 Unblocked | C C | 1,136 1,136 | 7,555 7,555 | 1 3A Freezer Blocked | C C | 10,325 10,325 | 95,931 95,931 | 1 Unblocked | C C | 111,230 37,077 | 1,033,448 344,483 | 3 36 to 60 ft Unblocked | C C | 2,260 2,260 | 20,998 20,998 | 1 3B Freezer Blocked | C C | 13,373 4,458 | 196,748 65,583 | 3 4A Freezer Blocked | C C | 14,443 7,222 | 110,076 55,038 | 2 4B Freezer Unblocked | C C | 28,178 28,178 | 140,841 140,841 | 1 C indicates confidential data (fewer than four transactions) Data includes priced transfers and sweep-up transfers only Data includes only observations with positive prices Data was created on 1-3-96