Changes in the Distribution of Alaska's Commercial Fisheries Entry Permits, 1975-2019
Table 3-04. Numbers of Intra-Cohort and Cross-Cohort Permit Transfers By Permit Type, 1975-2019

  Intra Cohort Cross Cohort  
Year Permits First Issued Fishery Count Percentage Count Percentage Total Transfers
1975 Statewide Salmon Power Troll (S15B) 1,789 52.9% 1,593 47.1% 3,382
1975 Southeast Salmon Purse Seine (S01A) 816 63.7% 466 36.3% 1,282
1975 Southeast Salmon Drift Gillnet (S03A) 1,234 58.7% 869 41.3% 2,103
1975 Yakutat Salmon Set Gillnet (S04D) 447 63.0% 262 37.0% 709
1975 Prince William Sound Salmon Purse Seine (S01E) 637 56.4% 492 43.6% 1,129
1975 Prince William Sound Salmon Drift Gillnet (S03E) 1,022 50.9% 985 49.1% 2,007
1975 Prince William Sound Salmon Set Gillnet (S04E) 93 65.5% 49 34.5% 142
1975 Cook Inlet Salmon Purse Seine (S01H) 217 71.9% 85 28.1% 302
1975 Cook Inlet Salmon Drift Gillnet (S03H) 1,544 62.6% 923 37.4% 2,467
1975 Cook Inlet Salmon Set Gillnet (S04H) 1,928 60.9% 1,239 39.1% 3,167
1975 Kodiak Salmon Purse Seine (S01K) 719 51.1% 688 48.9% 1,407
1975 Kodiak Salmon Beach Seine (S02K) 91 58.0% 66 42.0% 157
1975 Kodiak Salmon Set Gillnet (S04K) 688 57.1% 516 42.9% 1,204
1975 Chignik Salmon Purse Seine (S01L) 124 53.4% 108 46.6% 232
1975 AK Peninsula Salmon Purse Seine (S01M) 240 60.0% 160 40.0% 400
1975 AK Peninsula Salmon Drift Gillnet (S03M) 404 58.6% 286 41.4% 690
1975 AK Peninsula Salmon Set Gillnet (S04M) 324 62.4% 195 37.6% 519
1975 Bristol Bay Salmon Drift Gillnet (S03T) 4,670 66.0% 2,408 34.0% 7,078
1975 Bristol Bay Salmon Set Gillnet (S04T) 2,627 62.5% 1,575 37.5% 4,202
  Total for fisheries with permits first issued in 1975 19,614 59.8% 12,965 40.2% 32,579
1976 Kuskokwim Salmon Gillnet (S04W) 1,277 79.8% 323 20.2% 1,600
1976 Lower Yukon Salmon Gillnet (S04Y) 1,206 77.0% 361 23.0% 1,567
1976 Upper Yukon Salmon Gillnet (S04P) 69 57.5% 51 42.5% 120
1976 Upper Yukon Salmon Fish Wheel (S08P) 203 68.6% 93 31.4% 296
1976 Norton Sound Salmon Gillnet (S04Z) 398 75.5% 129 24.5% 527
1976 Kotzebue Salmon Gillnet (S04X) 371 74.1% 130 25.9% 501
  Total for fisheries with permits first issued in 1976 3,524 72.1% 1,087 27.9% 4,611
1977-1978 Southeast Herring Roe Purse Seine (G01A) 52 43.3% 68 56.7% 120
1977-1978 Prince William Sound Herring Roe Purse Seine (G01E) 116 53.7% 100 46.3% 216
1977-1978 Cook Inlet Herring Roe & Food/Bait Purse Seine (G01H) 91 56.5% 70 43.5% 161
  Total for fisheries with permits first issued in 1977-1978 259 51.2% 238 48.8% 497
1980-1987 Statewide Salmon Hand Troll (S05B) 1,783 57.4% 1,324 42.6% 3,107
1980-1987 Southeast Herring Roe & Fd/Bt Gillnet (G34A) 187 56.8% 142 43.2% 329
1980-1987 Prince William Sound Herring Roe Gillnet (G34E) 26 59.1% 18 40.9% 44
1980-1987 Kodiak Herring Roe Purse Seine (G01K) 49 37.4% 82 62.6% 131
1980-1987 Kodiak Herring Roe Gillnet (G34K) 107 52.2% 98 47.8% 205
1980-1987 Kodiak Herring Roe Gillnet & Purse Seine (G31K) 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0
  Total for fisheries with permits first issued in 1980-1987 2,152 52.6% 1,664 47.4% 3,816
1988-1992 Northern Southeast Sablefish Longline (C61A) 54 50.9% 52 49.1% 106
1988-1992 Southern Southeast Sablefish Longline (C61C) 15 53.6% 13 46.4% 28
1988-1992 Southern Southeast Sablefish Pot Gear (C91C) 0 0.0% 1 100.0% 1
1988-1992 Southeast Red/Blue King Crab Pot Gear (K19A) 10 62.5% 6 37.5% 16
1988-1992 Southeast Red/Blue/Brown King Crab Pot Gear (K29A) 5 83.3% 1 16.7% 6
1988-1992 Southeast Brown King Crab Pot Gear (K39A) 7 58.3% 5 41.7% 12
1988-1992 Southeast Red/Blue King/Tanner Crab Pot Gear (K49A) 18 60.0% 12 40.0% 30
1988-1992 Southeast Red/Blue/Brown King/Tanner Crab Pot Gear (K69A) 29 74.4% 10 25.6% 39
1988-1992 Southeast Tanner Crab Pot Gear (T19A) 19 41.3% 27 58.7% 46
1988-1992 Prince William Sound Herring Spawn On Kelp Pound (L21E) 62 38.5% 99 61.5% 161
1988-1992 Bristol Bay Herring Spawn On Kelp Hand Pick (L12T) 102 82.3% 22 17.7% 124
1988-1992 Nelson Island Herring Roe & Food/Bait Gillnet (G34N) 57 75.0% 19 25.0% 76
1988-1992 Nunivak Island Herring Roe & Food/Bait Gillnet (G34U) 14 77.8% 4 22.2% 18
1988-1992 Cape Romanzof Herring Roe & Food/Bait Gillnet (G34Y) 53 96.4% 2 3.6% 55
1988-1992 Norton Sound Herring Roe Beach Seine (G02Z) 0 0.0% 2 100.0% 2
1988-1992 Norton Sound Herring Roe & Food/Bait Gillnet (G34Z) 215 56.6% 165 43.4% 380
  Total for fisheries with permits first issued in 1988-1992 660 56.9% 440 43.1% 1,100
1997 Southeast Dungeness Crab Ring Net (D10A) 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0
1997 Southeast Dungeness Crab Diving Gear (D11A) 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0
1997 Southeast Dungeness Crab 300 Pots/Or 100% Of Max (D9AA) 75 60.5% 49 39.5% 124
1997 Southeast Dungeness Crab 225 Pots/Or 75% Of Max (D9BA) 81 52.9% 72 47.1% 153
1997 Southeast Dungeness Crab 150 Pots/Or 50% Of Max (D9CA) 180 60.2% 119 39.8% 299
1997 Southeast Dungeness Crab 75 Pots/Or 25% Of Max (D9DA) 189 54.8% 156 45.2% 345
1997 Cook Inlet Dungeness Crab Ring Net (D10H) 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0
1997 Cook Inlet Dungeness Crab Pot Gear (D91H) 19 70.4% 8 29.6% 27
  Total for fisheries with permits first issued in 1997 544 59.8% 404 40.2% 948
1998 Northern Southeast Herring Spawn On Kelp Pound (L21A) 91 47.2% 102 52.8% 193
1998 Southern Southeast Herring Spawn On Kelp Pound (L21C) 147 57.2% 110 42.8% 257
1998 Southeast Shrimp Pot Gear (P91A) 135 45.3% 163 54.7% 298
1998 Prince William Sound Sablefish Net Gear Max VL Length 50' (C4CE) 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0
1998 Prince William Sound Sablefish Fixed Gear Max VL Length 90' (C5AE) 4 100.0% 0 0.0% 4
1998 Prince William Sound Sablefish Fixed Gear Max VL Length 50' (C5CE) 22 36.7% 38 63.3% 60
1998 Prince William Sound Sablefish Fixed Gear Max VL Length 35' (C5DE) 10 34.5% 19 65.5% 29
  Total for fisheries with permits first issued in 1998 409 53.5% 432 46.5% 841
1999-2002 Southeast Brown King/Tanner Crab Pot Gear (K59A) 3 60.0% 2 40.0% 5
1999-2002 Southeast Shrimp Beam Trawl (P17A) 21 53.8% 18 46.2% 39
1999-2002 Southeast Sea Urchin Diving Gear (U11A) 59 47.2% 66 52.8% 125
1999-2002 Southeast Geoduck Clams Diving Gear (J11A) 42 53.2% 37 46.8% 79
1999-2002 Southeast Sea Cucumber Diving Gear (Q11A) 133 42.6% 179 57.4% 312
1999-2002 Prince William Sound Sablefish Fixed Gear Max VL Length 60' (C5BE) 2 33.3% 4 66.7% 6
1999-2002 Kodiak Herring Food/Bait Purse Seine, Fixed VL Length To 60' (H1DK) 4 80.0% 1 20.0% 5
1999-2002 Kodiak Herring Food/Bait Otter Trawl, Fixed VL Length To 75' (H7BK) 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0
1999-2002 Kodiak Herring Food/Bait Otter Trawl, Fixed VL Length To 70' (H7CK) 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0
1999-2002 Kodiak Herring Food/Bait Otter Trawl, Fixed VL Length To 60' (H7DK) 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0
1999-2002 Goodnews Bay Herring Roe & Food/Bait Gillnet (G34W) 33 82.5% 7 17.5% 40
  Total for fisheries with permits first issued in 1999-2002 297 56.6% 314 43.4% 611
2003-2004 Southeast Shrimp Otter Trawl (P07A) 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0
2003-2004 Kodiak Tanner Bairdi Crab Pot Gear VL To 120' (TB9AK) 8 47.1% 9 52.9% 17
2003-2004 Kodiak Tanner Bairdi Crab Pot Gear VL Under 60' (TB9BK) 51 48.1% 55 51.9% 106
  Total for fisheries with permits first issued in 2003-2004 59 47.6% 64 52.4% 123
  Statewide Totals 27,518 58.0% 17,608 42.0% 45,126

The number of transfers includes 354 permit foreclosures and 347 subsequent transfers of these permits. In this table these are counted as cross-cohort transfers.
Note that fisheries D10A, D10H, D11A, and P07A have no transferable permits. Fisheries C4CE, G31K, H7BK, H7CK, and H7CK have transferable permits but no known permanent transfers.