Changes in the Distribution of Alaska's Commercial Fisheries Entry Permits, 1975-2019
Table 2-02. Permit Transfer Activity by Permit Type, 1975-2019

  Sum of Annual Permit Counts 1975-2019  
Year First Permits Issued Fishery Total Permanent Total Transferable Cumulative Number of Transfers from Initial Issuees Ratio of Transfers from Initial Issuees to Sum of Annual Transferable Permit Counts Cumulative Number of Transfers Ratio of Transfers to Sum of Annual Transferable Permit Counts
1975 Statewide Salmon Power Troll (S15B) 42,726 42,726 943 2% 3,382 8%
1975 Southeast Salmon Purse Seine (S01A) 17,679 17,679 398 2% 1,282 7%
1975 Southeast Salmon Drift Gillnet (S03A) 21,094 21,094 460 2% 2,103 10%
1975 Yakutat Salmon Set Gillnet (S04D) 7,442 7,442 155 2% 709 10%
1975 Prince William Sound Salmon Purse Seine (S01E) 11,821 11,821 261 2% 1,129 10%
1975 Prince William Sound Salmon Drift Gillnet (S03E) 24,035 24,035 495 2% 2,007 8%
1975 Prince William Sound Salmon Set Gillnet (S04E) 1,321 1,285 29 2% 142 11%
1975 Cook Inlet Salmon Purse Seine (S01H) 3,604 3,604 84 2% 302 8%
1975 Cook Inlet Salmon Drift Gillnet (S03H) 25,212 25,212 554 2% 2,467 10%
1975 Cook Inlet Salmon Set Gillnet (S04H) 33,216 33,216 701 2% 3,167 10%
1975 Kodiak Salmon Purse Seine (S01K) 16,932 16,932 361 2% 1,407 8%
1975 Kodiak Salmon Beach Seine (S02K) 1,444 1,395 32 2% 157 11%
1975 Kodiak Salmon Set Gillnet (S04K) 8,372 8,372 178 2% 1,204 14%
1975 Chignik Salmon Purse Seine (S01L) 4,056 4,056 84 2% 232 6%
1975 AK Peninsula Salmon Purse Seine (S01M) 5,325 5,325 111 2% 400 8%
1975 AK Peninsula Salmon Drift Gillnet (S03M) 7,159 7,159 160 2% 690 10%
1975 AK Peninsula Salmon Set Gillnet (S04M) 4,999 4,999 112 2% 519 10%
1975 Bristol Bay Salmon Drift Gillnet (S03T) 80,869 80,869 1,808 2% 7,078 9%
1975 Bristol Bay Salmon Set Gillnet (S04T) 43,255 39,757 873 2% 4,202 11%
  Total for fisheries with permits first issued in 1975 360,561 356,978 7,799 2% 32,579 9%
1976 Kuskokwim Salmon Gillnet (S04W) 34,450 34,450 728 2% 1,600 5%
1976 Lower Yukon Salmon Gillnet (S04Y) 30,265 30,265 632 2% 1,567 5%
1976 Upper Yukon Salmon Gillnet (S04P) 2,737 2,737 52 2% 120 4%
1976 Upper Yukon Salmon Fish Wheel (S08P) 5,674 5,674 129 2% 296 5%
1976 Norton Sound Salmon Gillnet (S04Z) 8,150 8,150 187 2% 526 6%
1976 Kotzebue Salmon Gillnet (S04X) 8,262 8,262 193 2% 501 6%
  Total for fisheries with permits first issued in 1976 89,538 89,538 1,921 2% 4,610 5%
1977-1978 Southeast Herring Roe Purse Seine (G01A) 1,921 1,921 45 2% 120 6%
1977-1978 Prince William Sound Herring Roe Purse Seine (G01E) 4,379 4,379 84 2% 216 5%
1977-1978 Cook Inlet Herring Roe & Food/Bait Purse Seine (G01H) 3,136 3,136 59 2% 161 5%
  Total for fisheries with permits first issued in 1977-1978 9,436 9,436 188 2% 497 5%
1980-1987 Statewide Salmon Hand Troll (S05B) 51,575 28,523 725 3% 3,107 11%
1980-1987 Southeast Herring Roe & Fd/Bt Gillnet (G34A) 4,039 4,039 95 2% 329 8%
1980-1987 Prince William Sound Herring Roe Gillnet (G34E) 912 912 22 2% 44 5%
1980-1987 Kodiak Herring Roe Purse Seine (G01K) 2,232 1,828 45 2% 131 7%
1980-1987 Kodiak Herring Roe Gillnet (G34K) 3,026 2,693 75 3% 205 8%
1980-1987 Kodiak Herring Roe Gillnet & Purse Seine (G31K) 61 33 0 0% 0 0%
  Total for fisheries with permits first issued in 1980-1987 61,845 38,028 962 3% 3,816 10%
1988-1992 Northern Southeast Sablefish Longline (C61A) 1,533 1,533 58 4% 106 7%
1988-1992 Southern Southeast Sablefish Longline (C61C) 256 240 13 5% 28 12%
1988-1992 Southern Southeast Sablefish Pot Gear (C91C) 56 44 1 2% 1 2%
1988-1992 Southeast Red/Blue King Crab Pot Gear (K19A) 103 103 7 7% 16 16%
1988-1992 Southeast Red/Blue/Brown King Crab Pot Gear (K29A) 106 92 5 5% 6 7%
1988-1992 Southeast Brown King Crab Pot Gear (K39A) 150 101 5 5% 12 12%
1988-1992 Southeast Red/Blue King/Tanner Crab Pot Gear (K49A) 340 340 13 4% 30 9%
1988-1992 Southeast Red/Blue/Brown King/Tanner Crab Pot Gear (K69A) 655 631 22 3% 39 6%
1988-1992 Southeast Tanner Crab Pot Gear (T19A) 449 400 19 5% 46 12%
1988-1992 Prince William Sound Herring Spawn On Kelp Pound (L21E) 4,094 4,094 90 2% 161 4%
1988-1992 Bristol Bay Herring Spawn On Kelp Hand Pick (L12T) 7,569 7,569 103 1% 124 2%
1988-1992 Nelson Island Herring Roe & Food/Bait Gillnet (G34N) 3,828 3,618 56 2% 76 2%
1988-1992 Nunivak Island Herring Roe & Food/Bait Gillnet (G34U) 1,114 1,066 14 1% 18 2%
1988-1992 Cape Romanzof Herring Roe & Food/Bait Gillnet (G34Y) 1,890 1,829 40 2% 55 3%
1988-1992 Norton Sound Herring Roe Beach Seine (G02Z) 144 144 2 1% 2 1%
1988-1992 Norton Sound Herring Roe & Food/Bait Gillnet (G34Z) 7,487 7,487 188 3% 380 5%
  Total for fisheries with permits first issued in 1988-1992 29,774 29,291 636 2% 1,100 4%
1997 Southeast Dungeness Crab Ring Net (D10A) 87 0 0 0% 0 0%
1997 Southeast Dungeness Crab Diving Gear (D11A) 48 0 0 0% 0 0%
1997 Southeast Dungeness Crab 300 Pots/Or 100% Of Max (D9AA) 1,132 1,132 42 4% 124 11%
1997 Southeast Dungeness Crab 225 Pots/Or 75% Of Max (D9BA) 1,005 988 42 4% 153 15%
1997 Southeast Dungeness Crab 150 Pots/Or 50% Of Max (D9CA) 1,896 1,843 77 4% 299 16%
1997 Southeast Dungeness Crab 75 Pots/Or 25% Of Max (D9DA) 2,275 1,592 68 4% 345 22%
1997 Cook Inlet Dungeness Crab Ring Net (D10H) 6 0 0 0% 0 0%
1997 Cook Inlet Dungeness Crab Pot Gear (D91H) 1,600 1,357 20 1% 27 2%
  Total for fisheries with permits first issued in 1997 8,049 6,912 249 4% 948 14%
1998 Northern Southeast Herring Spawn On Kelp Pound (L21A) 2,283 2,283 86 4% 193 8%
1998 Southern Southeast Herring Spawn On Kelp Pound (L21C) 3,914 3,250 118 4% 257 8%
1998 Southeast Shrimp Pot Gear (P91A) 5,666 3,357 129 4% 298 9%
1998 Prince William Sound Sablefish Net Gear Max VL Length 50' (C4CE) 22 22 0 0% 0 0%
1998 Prince William Sound Sablefish Fixed Gear Max VL Length 90' (C5AE) 28 28 2 7% 4 14%
1998 Prince William Sound Sablefish Fixed Gear Max VL Length 50' (C5CE) 711 711 28 4% 60 8%
1998 Prince William Sound Sablefish Fixed Gear Max VL Length 35' (C5DE) 231 231 14 6% 29 13%
  Total for fisheries with permits first issued in 1998 12,855 9,882 377 4% 841 9%
1999-2002 Southeast Brown King/Tanner Crab Pot Gear (K59A) 71 62 4 6% 5 8%
1999-2002 Southeast Shrimp Beam Trawl (P17A) 509 453 19 4% 39 9%
1999-2002 Southeast Sea Urchin Diving Gear (U11A) 1,333 1,331 59 4% 125 9%
1999-2002 Southeast Geoduck Clams Diving Gear (J11A) 1,522 918 34 4% 79 9%
1999-2002 Southeast Sea Cucumber Diving Gear (Q11A) 5,764 2,954 122 4% 312 11%
1999-2002 Prince William Sound Sablefish Fixed Gear Max VL Length 60' (C5BE) 45 45 3 7% 6 13%
1999-2002 Kodiak Herring Food/Bait Purse Seine, Fixed VL Length To 60' (H1DK) 90 90 4 4% 5 6%
1999-2002 Kodiak Herring Food/Bait Otter Trawl, Fixed VL Length To 75' (H7BK) 18 18 0 0% 0 0%
1999-2002 Kodiak Herring Food/Bait Otter Trawl, Fixed VL Length To 70' (H7CK) 18 18 0 0% 0 0%
1999-2002 Kodiak Herring Food/Bait Otter Trawl, Fixed VL Length To 60' (H7DK) 36 36 0 0% 0 0%
1999-2002 Goodnews Bay Herring Roe & Food/Bait Gillnet (G34W) 2,593 2,570 33 1% 40 2%
  Total for fisheries with permits first issued in 1999-2002 11,999 8,495 278 3% 611 7%
2003-2004 Southeast Shrimp Otter Trawl (P07A) 17 0 0 0% 0 0%
2003-2004 Kodiak Tanner Bairdi Crab Pot Gear VL To 120' (TB9AK) 591 529 14 3% 17 3%
2003-2004 Kodiak Tanner Bairdi Crab Pot Gear VL Under 60' (TB9BK) 2,052 1,980 66 3% 106 5%
  Total for fisheries with permits first issued in 2003-2004 2,660 2,509 80 3% 123 5%

Totals for fisheries with permits first issued in a given year are the total number of permits at the end of each year, summed over the entire period, for those fisheries.
The number of transfers includes permit foreclosures and subsequent transfers of these permits.
Note that fisheries D10A, D10H, D11A, and P07A have no transferable permits. Fisheries C4CE, G31K, H7BK, H7CK, and H7CK have transferable permits but no known permanent transfers.